Semi Coke

Semi Coke

Semi Coke

Semi coke (gas coke) is made of high quality jurassic coal briquettes which can be found in the Shenfu coalfield.

Semi Coke



 Semi coke (gas coke) is made of high quality jurassic coal briquettes which can be found in the Shenfu coalfield. As a new type of carbon material, Semi Coke has attractive properties of high fixed carbon, high specific resistivity, high chemical activity , low ash content, low Aluminum, low sulphur, and low phosphorus. It has gradually replaced metallurgical coke anthracite and charcoal. As an irreplaceable carbon material, Semi Coke has been widely used in producing Calcium Carbide, Silicon Metal, Ferroalloy, Silicon Iron, Silicomanganese, Carborundum, and so on. Moreover, it can also replace a fairly large number of anthracite and hard coke applications in the area of blast furnace injection, producing charring materials and activated carbon. Using this product in production has the following characteristics: 1.) Low price, direct cost reduction. 2.) Performance is superior to coke. 3.) It can reduce power consunmption by 10%.

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    Semi coke (gas coke) is made of high quality jurassic coal briquettes which can be found in the Shenfu coalfield.

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